NUFORC Sighting 105885

Occurred: 2014-01-01 00:53 Local
Reported: 2014-01-01 13:07 Pacific
Duration: <1 minute
No of observers: 2

Location: Reseda, CA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

three orange lights on New Year's Eve form triangle, align themselves then disappear

My husband and I were coming home from spending New Year’s Eve with his mom at church. We had just dropped her off at home and stopped at a store to pick up some champagne to go home and celebrate. Being New Year’s Eve I feel it is incredibly important to stress that we were sober and hadn’t had anything to drink, not even a sip. While at a stop light, I looked out my husband’s window, he was driving, and saw these three strange orange lights high in the sky. I asked my husband if he thought they were airplanes or helicopters but their behaviors were unlike any helicopter of plane we had seen.

The three orange lights were grouped together but as we watched they spread out and formed a triangle. My husband told me to take out my phone and record what was happening but I was too shocked and in awe of what we were witnessing. The triangle of lights then moved as if they were going to align in a straight line pointing down. Our stop light turned green so I urged my husband to pull into a parking lot. As we were pulling into the parking lot, two of the lights just disappeared. The remaining light flickered a couple times, maybe twice before disappearing. We sat in the car for a few minutes waiting to see if the lights would return but they did not.

Posted 2014-01-10

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