NUFORC Sighting 109069

Occurred: 2014-05-01 20:50 Local
Reported: 2014-05-01 20:54 Pacific
Duration: 8 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Rock Hill, SC, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Seven to eight bright lights spotted overhead accompanied by a deep humming and intense vibrations.

First I heard a low humming sound that steadily grew louder. It vibrated so much, I could feel it in my body. I looked up and there were seven or eight blinking lights overhead, moving very slowly from east to west. It appeared as if they were all attached to some supermassive object flying overhead, though I could not see what they were attached to. There were no signs of a craft emitting the lights at all. No contrails or jet-stream. There was another aircraft moving in the opposite direction that appeared to be at the same altitude based on the size of the lights, but it was clearly visible with a very visible jet-stream. I tried to get a video, but that failed, so I ran to get the other occupants of my house. They came outside and watched it with me. It disappeared approximately eight minutes after I first saw it. Did not sound at all like helicopters or any plane I have ever heard. I lived next to an Army Airfield for 12 years and never heard anything remotely resembling that sound. The lights were bright white and tiny. It almost looked like sparkling fireworks, but the light was more intense than that. The lights never got closer or farther away from each other. I thought maybe it was the Idefix and Ariane 42B satellite but I looked that up on a tracker and it was not due to pass over until 10pm EST. There have been no news reports to suggest what it was.

Posted 2014-05-02

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