NUFORC Sighting 110761

Occurred: 2014-06-25 02:45 Local
Reported: 2014-07-01 11:57 Pacific
Duration: ~45 minutes
No of observers: 0

Location: Petaluma, CA, USA

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Brilliant stationary multi color lights for nearly one hour over Petaluma, CA.

Looking out my second story bedroom sliding glass door, in the north west sky, I saw what I first thought was a very brilliant multicolored star. I put on my glasses and knew it wasn’t a star. Red, blue, green, white lights were glittering in an indeterminate pattern on a stationary object. Occasionally, the lights were a crystal white bright, but always changing and moving. The object did not move up and down at all, nor did it appear to move toward or away from me.

I grabbed binoculars and that improved my view a bit, but the object seemed to be quite far away. I awakened my spouse who confirmed he saw the same thing.

After about 20 minutes the oject tilted to the right, maybe a 20-30 degree angle, then stayed in that position for the duration of my ability to view it.

The lights continued to glitter, change color and move mostly from the left to the right of the object, but sometimes the colored lights moved more up and down.

Nearing 0330, the fog began to roll in and the object seemed to sink very slowly, over about a 5–10 minute time frame, until I was no longer able to see it at all.

Posted 2014-07-04

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