NUFORC Sighting 112515

Occurred: 2014-08-15 06:45 Local
Reported: 2014-08-15 23:51 Pacific
Duration: <1 minute

Location: Austin, TX, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Date: Friday, August 15, 2014
Time: Appx. 6:45 am (Capital Metro would have exact time)
Location: Austin, Texas. Mueller Boulevard between 51st Street and Mueller Lake Park Circle.

Riding Capital Metro Bus #37 Southbound, View was toward southeast to the left of my shoulder.

I take the city bus to Mueller Lake Park to walk 3 1/2 miles early in the morning when the sun rises.

This morning I saw a circle of red lights hovering above the horizon that look like the video above, except the lights were bigger and they were red. I thought, Oh God .....

I turned to the right to see if there was anything that could be making the image. The Dell Children's Hospital tower is in the background, When I looked back at the circle it turned on its side. It looked like a paperclip circle on its side. There was an extra light outside the circle to the right. That light was faded and less defined. The light did not look like it was attached to the circle but it moved at the same time the circle moved. Then the circle disappeared. It faded away -- it looked like it was going into another dimension. It didn't shoot across the sky.

The Capitol Metro Bus Driver might have seen it. She is Black and wears a Fedora. I'll ask her. Pilots see UFOs. Bus drivers probably see them too!

Posted 2014-08-22

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