NUFORC Sighting 113121

Occurred: 2014-09-01 04:30 Local
Reported: 2014-09-01 09:05 Pacific
Duration: 1.5 hours
No of observers: 1

Location: Kihei, HI, USA

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Erratic white lights in conjunction with space debris and commercial airlines.

I sit on my roof every night stargazing so I quite often see "shooting stars" or space junk which range anywhere from 5th magnitude brightness to 1st magnitude brightness.

Tonight, I noticed an unusual amount of space debris so I was paying more attention to the sky than usual. The first phenomena I experienced is what looked like an unusually bright object also usually colored that seemed to originate from one point in the sky and stretch to another point and vanish.

Around 30 minutes later with the continuous bombardment of space debris I started to notice what looked like a star, not pulsating erratically, moving what seemed relatively slow but at such a high altitude that it was moving at a remarkable speed. Either the same craft would appear and fly across the sky and vanish or multiple craft were flying across my field of vision. (I was facing south west).

What was unusual about the crafts movement was that it was seemingly flying straight as though trying to appear to be an airplane but it would make sudden erratic turns that passenger aircraft were not capable of. There was no sound coming from these craft, in Maui meadows every sound echoes and you can clearly distinguish the cars on the highway about 3/4 of a mile west of where I was.

The most usual thing that I saw was an actual commercial flight fly across my field of view and another spacecraft appear and maneuver dramatically to almost intercept the plane and then follow it out of sight.

I have tried to rule out other possibilities but it could not be space debris because they were directly contrasted next to each other. It also could not be an airplane for 2 reasons, Maui is quite isolated, there are only 2 airports, the closest of which is 15 miles away, and comparing these lights to an airplane confirmed my theory that they could not have been airplanes because they moved across the same airspace at what appeared to be the same altitude in incredibly short intervals. Also the commercial flights would not have been able to reach such great altitudes in such a short time.

Please do with this what you can and if any answers could be made clear to me that is my ultimate goal in reporting this.


Our experience suggests to us that the visible re-entry of space debris, put into orbit by man, is a relatively rare event. We do not know what the witness was observing. PD

Posted 2014-09-05

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