NUFORC Sighting 1149

Occurred: 1996-01-09 04:45 Local
Reported: 1996-01-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 11 min.

Location: Rockville, MD, USA


Observer is awakened from a deep sleep by a most peculiar sound, goes to her window to look out, and spots a bizarre ship hovering near her apartment complex.

It had lights on the front, red lights in back, and very bright light in the middle of it. It had both solid, and flashing lights. No rotors, like a helicopter would have had. She is very familiar with helicopters, since they fly over her living complex on their way to a nearby federal facility.

The object moved toward the west to another buidlding, turned around, and came back to the area where she had first seen it.

It was like no machine she has ever seen in her life.

It was somewhat difficult to see the object amid the lights, because they were so bright, but there appeared to be some body to it.

Also, she looked around her apartment complex to see if anyone else was awake, but there was no activity visible. She said, "they must have been drugged."

Her late brother had been a pilot from age 16 years, so she is familiar with all types of aircraft. This object is not any kind of conventional aircraft.

Posted 1999-11-02

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