NUFORC Sighting 116154

Occurred: 1985-06-30 16:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2014-12-23 07:38 Pacific
Duration: minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Clear Lake, CA, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Landed

Landed UFO with 3 aliens sighting—as told to my mother and me by one of her friends around the 1992-1994 time frame. This witness was a retired woman in her early seventies of good character that attended our church in San Bruno, California.

I read that Clear Lake, California, had a number of UFO's sightings over the years, and since this woman and husband had a secondary home there, I asked her if she had seen any UFO's.

She said that several years ago (1980s) that she had been walking her dog during the daylight hours. They came to a small rise overlooking the lake, and when she looked down she saw a saucer-like metallic craft parked by the lakeshore with a plank extended out from the craft over the water. She saw three very tall and thin beings with translucent skin. There were not like any human beings she had ever seen before. Their clothing material looked similar to our rainwear material. Even though she was very close to them, they never looked at her directly. They seem to be preoccupied with the water, as if they were taking some onboard.

She became frightened and ran to some nearby homes that overlooked the lake. She knocked on the door of a friend of hers. When her friend opened the door they saw the craft shoot straight up at tremendous speeds and disappeared. She also noticed a neighbor from behind his fence who also witnessed this event.

She said the next day there were UFO reports in the local paper. She did not report it. Before this encounter she had no interest in UFO's and wouldn't know where to report it.

Years later, her health broke down and her family put her into a care facility. So I assume she is no longer alive and able to tell her story.

Posted 2015-01-07

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