NUFORC Sighting 116177

Occurred: 2014-08-12 18:00 Local
Reported: 2014-12-30 21:28 Pacific
Duration: 5-7 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Esquimalt (Canada), BC, Canada

Shape: Light

Strange light in Vancouver island sky

I walked a buddy out to his car. As I looked up, I saw a bright ,white , spot of light ,moving across the sky.I noticed it made no noise,and at six p.m. It's pretty quiet here. It seemed to be moving to slow to be a plane ,there were no running lights and it wasn't shooting a beam of light like a spotlight on a helicopter. I pointed it out to my friend and we watched it for about a minute together ,agreed it was strange ,and parted ways. I continued to observe the light for about another five minutes ,until it just disappeared into the clouds, in a north north Easterly,direction. This is the third time I've seen this same?object in the last year .

Posted 2015-01-07

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