NUFORC Sighting 117261

Occurred: 2015-02-11 02:30 Local
Reported: 2015-02-11 06:13 Pacific
Duration: 30 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Port Orchard, WA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Electrical or magnetic effects, Animals reacted

Low frequency pulsing followed by 30 minute power outage.

At approximately 0230, I was woken by a low frequency pulsing sound. The best I can describe the sound in words is “WOB WOB WOB WOB WOB!” My power flickered in my house but didn’t go out, then the sound came back, only louder this time, and then the power shut off in our entire neighborhood.

I figured maybe a transformer had blown because of a storm, but when I looked outside my window, the trees were all still, no wind and no rain. I did notice that there was a thick haze everywhere, and in the dull ambient light outside, I could see what looked like a dark shadow moving through the air, it could’ve been clouds shifting in the air, but as I said, the trees were still.

There was a neighbor dog that was barking hysterically for a couple minutes after the event. The power took approximately 30 minutes to come back and when it did, 2 of my 3 ceiling fans were on high speed, which is weird because we never put them on high speed, especially through the night because it makes it impossible to sleep.

It was a rather eerie event; I have never heard or had anything like this happen before.

Posted 2015-02-12

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