NUFORC Sighting 118813

Occurred: 2015-05-05 21:26 Local
Reported: 2015-05-05 18:58 Pacific
Duration: <2 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Bangor, ME, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Animals reacted

Two dimmer, low-flying lights flying one in front of the other at same speed on a northeast path.

My roommate and I were on the rooftop deck of our apartment in downtown Bangor. There's a white bat that lives in the area, and we noticed it flying overhead. The bat was flying somewhere above the vicinity of Main Street & Cross Street.

We were watching the bat, when I noticed what I thought to be a single craft with two dim, semi-hazy lights located on the front and back. (No craft was actually visible, just the two lights. If this was a craft, it would be cigar-shaped.) My roommate whispered, "Oh my you see that?" The lights flew above the bat but below the cloud cover, and were moving at a faster pace than the bat. They moved at the same speed, without sound.

Instantly, the lights jumped forward and to the side, changing direction slightly from a northeast-path to a more northerly path. (Based on iPhone compass app, original path was about 60 degrees, and changed to 35 degrees.) The jump forward in distance was roughly the same length as the distance between the two lights (or, if it was a single craft, the length of the draft, itself.) After the jump, the two lights kind of vibrated, like if it was one craft, it was wiggling ever so slightly and rather quickly.

After the jump, the bat immediately did a 180 and booked it to a nearby church steeple.

This was flying too low to be some kind of satellite or meteor, and there was absolutely no sound, so definitely not a helicopter or plane. (Also, we live right by the airport, and, not only was this thing flying off the regular flight paths, but also, we're pretty familiar with every type of aircraft that lands or takes off around here. Can't think of any possible explanation.

Posted 2015-05-08

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