NUFORC Sighting 122143

Occurred: 2015-09-19 21:04 Local
Reported: 2015-09-19 22:42 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Roseville, CA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object

Saw what appeared to be 40 round orange lights in a vee formation quickly and silent cross over the treeline in our backyard.

Sitting in back yard looking at stars and a movement caught my eye coming from the north. It appeared to be a flock of birds coming together in a vee formation but it was dark and they shimmered.

As it progressed across the top of the tree line not more than 100 feet in the air it appeared to be bulbs of orange lights in a vee formation approximately 20 on each side.

It went by very quickly but my friend was able to see it as well before it went behind another tree and we lost sight of it.

Posted 2015-09-25

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