NUFORC Sighting 122580

Occurred: 2015-10-05 23:15 Local
Reported: 2015-10-05 20:51 Pacific
Duration: 2
No of observers: 50

Location: Ridgway, PA, USA

Shape: Formation
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Emitted beams

30+ high flying orangish crafts were spotted flying in a hexagonal shaped pattern over Ridgway, PA, around 11:15 PM, they were heading north at a quick pace. Streaks of light were seen behind these crafts for a short distance. They were in a hexagonal pattern and about 30+ crafts were counted. Over 50 witnesses were at the location of the crafts spotted while attending a field party. Video cameras have documented the sighting from numerous people. These crafts made a very low pitched rumble that actually shook the ground slightly. Possibly an acidic smell in the air after passing overhead. One of the witnesses claimed to have seen beams of light through an infared spotting scope as though they were scanning objects while traveling.


We attempted to contact the source of the report, but were unable to do so. The telephone number provided by the witness appears to be not functional. Possible hoax? PD

Posted 2015-10-09

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