NUFORC Sighting 129410

Occurred: 2016-08-20 22:50 Local
Reported: 2016-08-20 23:04 Pacific
Duration: 5 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: San Diego (North County), CA, USA

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object

My wife and I both saw three orange lights in the sky, moving in different directions, and making no sound.

My wife called me out to the back yard and I saw an orange light moving slowly southeast -- towards the rising moon -- without making a sound.

I assumed it was some sort of plane and went back inside, but then she called me back: two more orange lights were moving across the sky, one moving towards us from the northeast, before straightening out and moving straight south, the other in roughly the same region as the first.

There was no sound from any of the three lights.

This was strange enough for me to search for a site like this one!

Posted 2016-08-25

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