NUFORC Sighting 130445

Occurred: 2016-10-04 21:26 Local
Reported: 2016-10-04 18:50 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Wappingers Falls, NY, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Bright White Light Hovering Low in the sky.

Pulled into my driveway with my husband. There was an extremely bright round light low in the sky behind my neighbors house. There was no sound and it seemed not to move. Watched it for a few minutes and then went inside to an upstairs window. There was a red/white/green light that seemed to be in a straight line. Lights moved and it stayed low but then it sounded like a plane. I could see a bright white light as it moved away. There was no sound prior to seeing the colored lights. I snapped a photo.

Posted 2016-10-11

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