NUFORC Sighting 142822

Occurred: 2018-08-11 12:00 Local
Reported: 2018-08-21 08:39 Pacific
No of observers: 0

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Characteristics: Lights on object

Object with lights approaching aircraft, photo taken.

The lady and her husband and family had taken a trip from Michigan to Seattle, Washington, to visit other family members. After their trip they flew from SeaTac to Las Vegas. While traveling to Nevada they noticed bright lights in between the clouds. (20180811las-vegas.jpg) As they got closer they noticed it looked like it had a dome with a glass front and a light on either side. (This is daylight and the object is clearly visible). Her husband got out his phone and took the picture presented with this initial report. If you zoom in to on the picture you can see the shape of the object. The object remained there with glowing lights until they passed by and could no longer see it. When they first noticed the object they thought it was a reflection, but as they approached they realized it took on a shape. They were about 35-40 minutes out of Las Vegas on a Spirit Airline flight and noticed the object out the window on her left side, above the wing. (MUFON CMS)

Posted 2018-08-22

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