NUFORC Sighting 144972

Occurred: 2019-02-23 19:45 Local
Reported: 2019-02-23 18:26 Pacific
Duration: 10 seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Little Lorraine (Canada), NS, Canada

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Left a trail, Changed Colo

Bright light, appears then streaks through sky

Saturday Feb 23rd 19:55 hrs Direction NNW-NNE This evening, myself and my husband were standing outside with our two dogs giving them a bathroom break. It was a very clear sky, no cloud coverage, all stars were visible. We are in the country so the night sky is quite clear to us.

We were standing together chatting about a game we were playing, when off to my right and up just slightly above the tree line, I noticed a bright orange light in the sky, I nudged him and was just about to say “look a plane,” when the light went bright red then back to orange again. We were both looking directly at it and my husband said, “What is that?” As we both watched, it proceeded up into the air at about a 15 degree ascension. Moving fast through the sky from a NNW to a NNE direction, at one point, the bright light disappeared, and we then could see what appeared to be a very bright, orange flame coloured streak going across the sky.

The streak seemed to consist of either flames (I say flames because we saw actual sparks) or a laser like trail in the sky.

I find it hard to actually describe it in words. We noticed the flames were very thin, and very very straight in the air. Then the streak slowly vanished or burnt out.

It was as if the light had streaked through the air then vanished and all that was left was the propulsion burn off.

We both ran with our dogs to the back of the house to see if we could see it in the distance, or see if it would reappear, but it had totally vanished in about 6 to 7 seconds. If we had our backs turned we would have missed it completely.

It was traveling very fast, very silent, and it felt like it would have been easy to miss if we were not in the right place at the right time.

There was also no smell of smoke or anything strange in the air that would suggest flames or burnt fuel.

We both commented on the strange feeling we had watching it, and how incredibly fast this thing was moving.

Our Background - My husband was An Emergency management worker/supervisor for 20 years, in Toronto, Ontario, I am retired after completing 22 years in the Canadian armed forces, 10 in the Air Force and 12 in the Navy. While in the Airforce I was stationed at 407 Squadron and am quite familiar with planes in the day and night.

We both retired to Nova Scotia in 2010.

Posted 2019-02-27

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