NUFORC Sighting 145356

Occurred: 1981-05-21 14:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2019-03-23 00:03 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes

Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

Shape: Disk
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Huge Saucer over Pensacola Pass.

I was on a beach west of Pensacola Pass. A huge silver saucer was low and stationary over the Pass. Navy T-34 planes (from Pensacola NAS) were flying circles around the saucer. Suddenly, armed Fighter Jets (scrambled out of Eglin AFB) blasted down the beach just above treetop level. The jets banked hard in front of me and the blast knocked me down. The saucer started flying south over the Gulf of Mexico and gaining speed. By the time the jets leveled out from their banking, the saucer already disappeared over the horizon.


Source of report indicates that the date of the sighting is approximate. PD

Posted 2019-03-29

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