NUFORC Sighting 147954

Occurred: 1966-08-30 00:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2019-08-01 13:13 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Portsmouth, , United Kingdom

Shape: Rectangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Emitted beams

A solid airframes structure, designed for occupants.

Hi, it was around midnight in late August/September 1966 that this undisputed sighting was observed.

For credibility purposes, I am an apprentice trained aircraft airframes engineer, later to study physics at degree level.

At that time I was not a ‘UFO’ buff, in fact, I had hardly heard of it/them.

I should also point out that I had recently made a similar report to MUFON from whom I was contacted by a UK UFO ‘field investigator’.

This investigator, who initially was inclined to remind me of ‘black projects’, possibly suggesting that this was part of such a project that I had seen.

I instantly rubbished this theory, as you may understand after reading my full report.

Apart from this, he had little/nothing to contribute. I was not impressed.

As I was saying, I was in bed with my eyes closed unable to sleep, which was unusual after a days work.

My wife was in bed with me.

With eyes closed, I was alerted by a strong light in the room, which upon opening my eyes a strong silver/white light filled the room.

The bed was backed up against the window, with curtains drawn (closed).

The only other way light could enter the room was through the front bedroom window, passing through the doors of both rooms, if, in fact, both doors were open.

I do not remember if they were open….

Upon seeing this light I drew back the curtains to see nothing in the immediate vicinity causing the light, but looking to my left , SE direction, I saw what appeared to be a small ‘craft’ approaching in my general direction.

My first thought was “who or what are they looking for, as a searchlight was directed towards the rooftops at about 10 degrees angle.

Then, noticing this ‘craft’ had no wings, or apparant means of arial support, my next instant thought was “who are THEY?” The front elevation of the craft was very similar to a helicopter cockpit, with roughly a rectangular cross sectional shape.

The similarity with a helicopter ended as there was no rotor blades, anywhere! Nothing appeared to be upholding this craft to be airborne.

As it drew nearer, at very slow ‘walking pace, it drew level with my first floor window, just behind next doors rear extension.

I could just see the complete airframe.

It had two equally spaced very small internally lit windows along the side.

As it cleared the extension it made an immediate right hand turn towards my garden, in the length of its own axis.

In this view the moon shone clearly on the side facing me.

It was a very clear, windless and moonlit night with only about 25% cloud, making for very good clear observation.

With moonlight on the side facing me I saw what appeared to be two ‘doors’, possibly hanger doors, I recall.

One conclusion should be made is that with a searchlight and two windows, internally lit, the craft was occupied.

A striking note was that the ability to slowly fly at just above, maybe 10 ft approx. above rooftops was really amazingly accurate and stable.

No sound at all was made, and as it was level I was looking out my open window, and there was nothing to be heard. Not even a rush of air.

As it crossed the rear gardens it seemed to be only around 40-60 ft high and about 50-60 ft away from me.

I clearly located its position and height by opposite houses as a fixing point, as I was about 55 yards fro a junction, in a quiet residential road.

The houses opposite were therefore around a similar distance away, with the craft slightly nearer to me than the opposite houses.

Height and located were easily collated fairly accurately.

As the craft drew level with my rear extension it made a similar, but left hand turn, continuing in its original route.

This was odd, cause no good purpose was seen for this course slight adjustment, then continuing on its original course – no sense at all.

As I then could view the rear elevation there appeared to be a large pale orange disc attached, covering the whole cross section.

I had to assume this to be the power source.

The craft then continued over the opposite rooftops, again, only just clearing them, disappearing as the distance increased.

I was really concerned about it’s height!!! It must be stressed that this craft showed no signs of any hostlity and could quite possible observe me leaning out of the window.

I was too intrigued and amazed to be ‘scared’.

I should have mentioned that when I asked my wife to “take a look at this” she was simply too scared, and dived under the covers.

We both knew they was no source of light in the area, of that nature, or any other.

Amazingly I slept really well, to wake up switching on the radio, to hear reports of ‘several’ other ‘objects’ seen along the seafront, about a mile away from me.

They were said by witnesses to be hovering over the water, changing colours and diving under the water after making two loud bangs.

My opinion was the ‘loud bangs’ were sonic booms as the objects accelerated wary too fast for the eye to see.

These other ‘objects’ were reported to have been seen for 160 miles along the south coast fro Dover to Southsea (Portsmouth) No mention was made of my sighting.

The sightings were given full local media coverage, with no explanation given at all.

The final kicks paper admitted the objects were totally if unknown origin, and referred to as UFOs.

I did, and go not use the term UFO cause my sighting was that of a definitive solid craft, that was of unknown origin then, and now.

There was no technology that superior then and there is none to this day.

This craft, in conclusion, could not have possibly come from this world.

If it had, we would no longer being using chemical based propulsion systems.

That’s a fact! My obvious conclusion, and firm belief, is that other civilisations are, and have been, visiting this world, possibly for thousands of years, or more.

Why haven’t they officially contacted us? If we were highly advanced beings seeing what a state this works is in, would you or I wish to integrate with us? For what purpose? I am not wishing to copy certain sci- fi series, but, perhaps, quite rationally, they have strict ‘non-interference, decrees!!! That makes good sense, so they are never going to land on the White House Lawn, are they!? A theory about the alleged inter- breeding – maybe they are trying to improve the human race Now that would be something really worthwhile!!

Posted 2019-08-23

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