NUFORC Sighting 151363

Occurred: 2019-12-07 23:44 Local
Reported: 2019-12-06 22:26 Pacific
Duration: Over a few hours

Location: Ames, IA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Possible abduction

I was driving home after dropping off a friend... as we were hanging out, we were looking at the sky and saw a very weird looking shooting star but thought nothing of it. But as I headed home I noticed a weird light emitting from an object I thought was a flipped car, as I kept driving trying to decide if I should go back and see what it was, I saw that the light still was bright and shining at me as if it was pointing light in all description. So me being curious turned around to check it out, as I did I video taped it to send it to my friend I was hanging out with, joking about seeing as a ufo, but as I was taking the video, I slowed down and realized to my horror it really was moving like a ufo, and as I was stopped there, it started moving towards me and I started going again, on the video you can see that my view was lost momentarily behind a barn, as I gained sight again it was moving somehow instantly much closer to me . Going at the same speed as me! parallel and behind me a little bit. I have video here, I have no idea what to do this is a super scary experience

Posted 2019-12-19

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