NUFORC Sighting 154824

Occurred: 1951-08-15 23:20 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2020-04-05 22:14 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Bad Aibling (West Germany), , West Germany

Shape: Sphere

A spherical object came from high altitude, slowed to make a turn then flew away following contour of the ground.

I seen this strange flying object in the summer of 1951 in Germany - Bavaria, near the city of Bad Aibling. Three of us were walking home after a late movie which ended close to 11 PM.The path home was thru hilly fields in an area that was not populated. The starry night was clear and moonless. One of the two friends saw something odd in the sky but he did not say anything right away. A few minutes later he stopped us to point to an object in the sky which was different, unlike other stars. It was spherical, orange in color and at that instant it was grapefruit. We stood watching this object as it came closer and grew in size. When it got closer to us a flat ring became visible rotating around the sphere, similar to Saturn. As the objects size became like a basketball the ring could be distinguished as a fine jet or plasma circulating the periphery of the sphere. Then the sphere started to tilt, slowly it tilted until the concentric ring became perpendicula! r to the ground, then the sphere picked up speed and moved in a curve following the contour of the ground. It flew at a moderate speed away disappearing behind the next hill.


We spoke via telephone with the source of this, and two other reports, and we found him to be quite serious, and sober-minded. We suspect that he is a highly qualified observer, and a quite reliable witness. PD

Posted 2020-04-09

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