NUFORC Sighting 1557

Occurred: 1996-06-01 22:45 Local
Reported: 1996-06-13 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 10 sec.
No of observers: 1

Location: Concord, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Young man, looking to the east with binoculars, sees what he feels is a satellite moving from the east to west. It appears to be a red, solid, non-blinking light.

As the 'satellite passed a "star cluster," a second "star" started moving together with the first object. Approximately 1-3 seconds later, a third "star" joined the first two, such that now all three of them are moving to the east in a triangular formation, with the apex of the triangle trailing the other two, which were abreast in the lead.

The observer moved the binoculars from his eyes, blinked, and looked at the formation of three objects a second time, both with his eyes, and with the use of binoculars again.

Suddenly, the three objects started moving from the west to the south, and appeared to the observer that they started to gain altitude. Then, the two objects in the lead suddenly disappeared, and the object in back stopped, and reversed its direction of travel to the north.

Posted 1999-11-02

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