NUFORC Sighting 159252

Occurred: 2010-11-08 23:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2020-09-08 20:34 Pacific
Duration: 2 minutes

Location: Winnipeg (Canada), MB, Canada

Shape: Other
Characteristics: Possible abduction

Saw a tall naked figure with abnormally long limbs standing directly beside my bed

Went to bed one night and within a few minutes of lying there I noticed a very tall naked figure with abnormally long limbs standing directly beside my bed looking down at me. The small amount of light entering my room from the door was hitting the back side of whatever it was so all i saw was the dark front side of it. Its skin didn't appear to have much colour to it, maybe a dark grey. I was in shock for a few seconds but then I somehow connected as one with whatever it was. I felt that we were breathing together, every breath of air I took had a huge volume and the air was very cold. I suddenly was no longer terrified as it was somehow communicating with me through my thoughts and feelings letting me know that everything was going to be okay and I had nothing to be scared of. As this was happening there was some sort of dim light energy that I saw connecting us, the best way I could explain it is that it looked like lightning but it wasn't very bright bec! ause the rest of the room was still dark. After what felt like only a minute or two of being frozen in place looking at this thing it suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. I was slightly traumatized for a few weeks after this happened and have only told a very few select people of this.

Posted 2020-11-05

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