NUFORC Sighting 161883

Occurred: 2021-02-02 16:50 Local
Reported: 2021-02-02 23:25 Pacific
Duration: Couple of seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Fort Collins, CO, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

I looked straight up and moving across the sky was a triangle pattern of dim amber lights.

I was standing in my bathroom looking up at my skylight staring at the blue sky and out of nowhere appeared a triangle shaped aircraft. I'm assuming it was triangle shaped because of the pattern of dim amber lights that were visible. It was moving in a linear direction, west to east and passed right over head. It reminded me of the International Space Station and how it passes over head than a few seconds later it's gone. Only problem being it was daytime so it couldn't have been the ISS. I felt like it was at an altitude higher than a commercial airliner can fly. The speed it passed by it must have been going pretty fast depending on the altitude it was traveling at. Definitely was not an airplane. I've seen quite a few jets and this wasn't anything close to a commercial jet. The triangle light pattern was unmistakable.

Posted 2021-03-02

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