NUFORC Sighting 165712

Occurred: 2021-12-04 18:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2021-12-04 18:09 Pacific
No of observers: 5

Location: Lancaster, PA, USA
Location details: Above the kendig square shopping center.

Shape: Formation
Explanation: Starlink - Probable
Characteristics: Lights on object, Left a trail, Made a sound, Electrical or magnetic effects, Animals reacted

A lined formation of white lights silently cruised across the sky then suddenly dissapeared.

My 3 nephews were outside around 6:30 exploring our backyard, which is a big field. Suddenly 2 of them heard a loud thud, then, lights across the street started turning on and off, and when they looked into the direction of the thud, they saw a line of white lights, equally spaced apart, slowly cruising across the sky, they immediately sent one of them to get me, he was panicked, and told me not to even put on my shoes or coat, and just run outside, I immediately thought somebody was hurt, so panicked, I ran outside, they then pointed me in the direction of the lights, and for about 10 seconds, I saw the formation, I was in utter shock, and thought it was an airplane, but then I took into account the complete silence and how low the lights appeared, and realized that was impossible. I then realized I should be recording, so I pulled out my phone, as soon as I got up my camera, the lights slowly dissolved into the sky, as if it did not want to be seen.

Posted 2021-12-19

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