NUFORC Sighting 16572

Occurred: 2001-02-20 19:10 Local
Reported: 2001-02-21 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 20 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aircraft nearby

Strange light formation over Las Vegas sky.

I am an officer candidate for one of the local police departments. While on my way to my other job at one of the hotels driving north bound on I-215 I happened to look in the direction of the Las Vegas Stripand I saw what appeared to be a formation of about 10 lights in an oval shape floating in the vicinity of Mt. Charleston. No strobe was apparent on the formation and there was other air trafic in the area. These lights were of a yellow -orange color and faded with in intensity from time to time. They also did not mantain their original shape, becoming a triangle at times and returning to their original circular shape. I tried to keep them in sight while I drove but by the time I arrived at my destination they had disappeared or were obscured by objects in the distance. They were over the North western part of the city and my prespective was fron the southeast heading north.

Posted 2001-02-24

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