NUFORC Sighting 166941

Occurred: 2022-03-01 01:27 Local
Reported: 2022-03-02 17:43 Pacific
Duration: 8 to 12 seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Kearneysville, WV, USA
Location details: residential neighborhood

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Only the edges of the craft were visible the center/body of the craft seemed to project a live image of the sky above it, it was silent

127 am...the movement of contrails caught my eye, it was a very clear night. All that was visible was a perfect triangle outline like an 8 ball rack floating across the sky, the inner part appeared to be the sky above it, but there was something just slightly off enough that I could follow it. It seemed as though it's initial visibility was a result of it slowing down. The majority of it's movement appeared fluid, then it seemed to skip forward at varying speeds and was as though at times it disappeared and reappeared directly in front of itself. The altitude and therefore size of the craft is very difficult to determine, not sure if the contrails that created the visible outline really were actual contrails or just appeared to be because that's my familiar reference point for what I saw, and I couldn't compute that a craft that large from my perspective could be anywhere near high enough to create contrails, but that is what they looked like...they dissipated almost instantly .5 to 1.5 second median range of duration. The craft was ABSOLUTELY silent as well so i couldn't get any help pinging it with my ears either. After further review, I believe the craft was 1500 feet up, give or take, and it was larger than a C5 or C17 which routinely fly over at similar or lower altitude. It approached from SE headed NW. The speed of the craft was either way too slow for anything that big or way too fast for anything that big take your pick, it was doing 150 knots give or take when i first spotted it as it slowed down to maybe 20 knots. When it finally accelerated out of my view its acceleration rate made it invisible instantaneously.

Posted 2022-03-04

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