NUFORC Sighting 172140

Occurred: 2022-10-01 19:20 Local
Reported: 2022-10-02 05:42 Pacific
Duration: 7-8 minutes. I terminated
No of observers: 1

Location: Lapeer, MI, USA
Location details: Farm area is where I began seeing this traveling west into a small city and continuing West NW

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Shape changing Yellowish light orb in atmosphere, in daylight changed shape and traveling west.

At approx 1920 on 10/01/2022 I left my home surrounded by cornfields to head west on Peppermill Rd. The sky was a perfect clear blue as the bright sun was beginning to set. I immediately noticed what I would describe as a stand alone streak in the sky that caught my eye in between some trees. It was out of place and I thought at first it was a small cloud catching the sun, and then maybe a comet with a tail. I texted a couple friends and told them to look in the west sky and continued to drive. It appeared low in our atmosphere. Lower than commercial airplanes. I can describe the original streak as a crescent moon straighter out. It didn’t appear to be effected by wind or having any jerking or sudden movements. It just seemed to gently float west as I was traveling between 40-55 mph always gaining slight distance from me. By the time I got to a the main westward road (m21) at Wilder Rd to a straight area of road where I could switch my camera on while driving it had turned into a orange to yellow ball of light. Not flickering. Not changing. I saw no physical object. It was a sight and an experience I have never had. I do have video but due to driving I only have two sections of the video where I do clearly have it. I regrettably broke away when we approached M24 to stop try to get a friend to see it. By the time I returned about 5 minutes later I was unable to locate. I never saw any “high speed” maneuvers or unnatural change in directions or acceleration. But this is something I can’t explain. This was plainly visible in a high traffic area and I cannot be the only person to have seen this and I am just very curious what it was and of course have a very open mind to any possibilities. But was not searching for this. Thank you for any information. 26 and 36 seconds into the video are the moments I captured.

Posted 2022-10-08

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