NUFORC Sighting 174878

Occurred: 2023-03-05 00:43 Local
Reported: 2023-03-04 23:57 Pacific
Duration: 7-9 seconds
No of observers: 1 - Military

Location: Springfield, IL, USA
Location details: Large neighborhood close the edge of the city limits. I was standing on my back deck.

Shape: Circle

Circle shaped object travelling very fast in West-southwest direction.

Circle object dimly reflecting light from the city moving west-southwest in a straight line. It disappeared from view as it got close to the horizon. It made absolutely no sound, appeared to be around the size of a medium sized airplane, and was moving much faster than the speed of normal commercial air traffic. I was in the US Navy, I've seen all kinds of aircraft, and I've travelled all over the world, but I have never seen something like this, much less move at that speed and make no sound at all.

Posted 2023-03-06

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