NUFORC Sighting 175226

Occurred: 2023-04-06 17:30 Local
Reported: 2023-04-06 20:49 Pacific
Duration: 3 Seconds
No of observers: 2

Location: Just east of Catalina Island, CA, USA
Location details: Flying in Southwest Flight 2032 we had just passed to the left of Catalina Island, 3-5 Miles east

Shape: Other
Explanation: Drone - Possible
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Aircraft nearby

Small orb with satellite like appendages, skinny barbs

Flying in Southwest Flight 2032 from Sacramento to OC John Wayne Airport we had just passed by Catalina Island, Had beautiful clear views for miles and has been enjoying the view, as we moved passed island i sat back n my seat on the right side of aircraft and looked out window toward the wing I was in about 5th row from back.

I saw a light , emerge below the wing out about 200 yards , I focused in on it it as we passed by it, I could see metallic spike antenna like things sticking out, of it the white light . The light was best guess, 1-3' tic tac shape and the 4+ spikes seemed about 6-7 times longer. It moved from my left to right and I couldn't recognize as anything I had seen before, I am a RPIC pilot, but the antennas on top 1set at 20 and 60 degrees. I didn't have time to really look down as we passed in around 3 seconds or less.

Immediately I asked the guy siting in front of me who I could tell had been looking out side and he confirmed. He first said light, then said maybe drone and he wanted to explain away but all the other planes ships etc were very clear and hard to mistake. He was questing why it was so close.

I had been taking photos but had just put my phone away , super clear calm still ocean below.

Posted 2023-04-09

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