NUFORC Sighting 176352

Occurred: 1990-06-22 22:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2023-06-19 12:28 Pacific
Duration: 2 to 3 hours
No of observers: 3

Location: , , Austria
Location details: Aera of the Steinberg mountains

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object

Flasing lights, like in a discothek, on and off, and affecting the the surrounding pine trees around it, then moving up-down.

Flashing lights around mountain-side, like in a discothek, moving side to side and up and down, affecting pine trees. Then stopping and starting again. First it looked like a street light. Then it all happened. Crazy. We were camping near the mountain. Then it started raining. We got into our mini bus, then I saw the same light, stationary, away from the mountain in the sky, not moving.
Later after the rain, I did not see it anywhere. I never seen it leave. Only one of my compaions saw, what I saw, after I try to get their attention.

It was as if it only acted out when I was looking. We were sitting around a camp fire, where 2 of them had their backs to the light. The other one told me it was a star. I argued that it was too low to be a star, hanging 'round the mountain slope. I thought it was a street lamp, so I asked him if there was a town or a village going up the mountain.

He never saw the flashing display; he was not paying attention. I was fixiated on that light, then the crazu flashing commenced.

I can never forget, what I saw.

And it was as if it was communicating with only me.

When I alerted the guys of the crazy flashing, it stopped, before the could turn or look up and see.

I have another story to tell about my experience, with Aliens. I don't know if the lights singled me out to communicate with me.

Telling this story, right now, I am 74 going on 75, but I remember being in an Ametica Hospital on theisland of Aruba, at the age of 5, when a strange nurse burst into my room, she looked bigger than the avg. nurse I the Hospital, and uglier, looking more like a man, she had 2 little doctors with her, both wearing sunglasses and had bald heads. They never spoke to me like the other nurses would. They just came behind me, while I was sitting upright on the bed and stuck something like an injection into me on the left side, around my shoulder.It hurt and then they left.

As a kid I started crying, until a real nurse came to my attention and she noticed and said, " Oh you are bleeding". She cleaned the blood and never asked me anything.

I never told antbody anything, because I thought it was normal to see some strange doctors and nurses sometimes. I started paying more attention to that experience, somewhere around 1994, when I was reading a book about abductions, where some victims would draw some aliens, that looked somewhat like little doctors, with sunglasses.

I needed to let these stories out. I don't care who believes it or not. It happened to me and that is true enough.

Thank You
Born Nov. 4 1948 in Aruba.

Posted 2023-07-10

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