NUFORC Sighting 176627

Occurred: 2023-07-07 12:19 Local
Reported: 2023-07-06 17:08 Pacific
Duration: 30 seconds

Location: Bamber Bridge, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Location details: Looking from my garden one brightish star above the M6 motorway facing me

Shape: Circle
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object

Looked like a aeroplane, but extreme bright with no other lights only white

I was looking up at a single star when I saw what was an aeroplane suddenly appear to the side of the star but it was brilliant white with no other flashing lights, as I watched it to the right of the star it travelled a good distance for about 15 seconds, I was watching the light when it disappeared and I thought it strange as the sky was clear, it suddenly appeared about 2 seconds later back where I first observed it as bright as ever but it could not possibly travel as fast as that to cover the distance it did and as I watched it, it did the same again, I thought what's going on here. My mind was confused, it then disappeared again and 2 seconds later appeared where I first saw it, I ran inside to get my binoculars which took me approximately 6 seconds but there was nothing else to see except the single star . It has blown my mind a little as I've never seen the likes of it and I love looking at the stars but this was strange.

Posted 2023-07-10

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