NUFORC Sighting 177310

Occurred: 2023-08-03 16:17 Local
Reported: 2023-08-03 20:47 Pacific
Duration: N/a
No of observers: 1

Location: Thompson’s Station, TN, USA
Location details: 30 degrees North

Shape: Unknown
Explanation: Bird - Probable
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Aircraft nearby, Electrical or magnetic effects

Object appeared in photo

I was pressure washing my sidewalk, and I stopped to take a video of what I thought was a jet producing chemtrails to send to my cousin in Knoxville, TN. I have been seeing this a lot recently in Nashville. It was approximately at 30 degrees north. I took a compass out tonight to check the location. However, as I was about to send the video to my cousin this evening, I realized I took photographs rather than video. I had 2 photos in my camera roll. The first taken at 4:17pm, the second picture also states it was taken at 4:17pm. When viewing the first photo, I noticed a spec on my screen and thought it was dirt on the screen of my phone, but, it was not. As I zoomed in, I noticed a dark, oddly shaped object that was almost directly in line with the tip of the plane. I have no idea how far away this was, however I assume thousands of feet. There was also no helicopter activity at that time. I thought it could be a bird? However, would a bird be that high in the air? Would it have flown out of the frame in under a minute? I would definitely appreciate any clarity as to what this could be, as it could be something easily explainable. But, wanted to share this nonetheless.

Additionally, as I was filling the information out below, it asked about electrical effects. Interestingly, while pressure washing the sidewalk, the motor kept dying as I was spraying. It did this approx 6 -7 times, and I wasn’t able to finish. The motor kept dying and I kept having to pull start, which also took several minutes and several pulls. But, the motor continued to shut down after about 4 - 5 minutes.

Posted 2023-09-10

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