NUFORC Sighting 177418

Occurred: 2023-08-07 11:32 Local
Reported: 2023-08-07 17:14 Pacific
Duration: Appx 5 sec
No of observers: 1

Location: Pilot Point, TX, USA
Location details: Sitting in car, in gas station parking lot, out passenger window

Shape: Circle

Perfectly circular black orb, in northern sky

I parked in the convenience store parking lot and looked out my passenger window, toward the northern sky, noticing quite a few aircraft contrails, blinked, and there was suddenly a perfectly circular black object, in my line of sight. I did not see it approach—one moment it wasn’t there, and the next it was—in the span of one blink. I could tell it was quite a distance away and at enough of an altitude that because it was at the top of the visible sky, through the passenger window, with me sitting in the driver seat, the size proximity was roughly that of a half dollar, indicative of a fairly sizable object, at a great distance. What struck me so eerily was that the object completely lacked 3 dimensional shape. It was the darkest black I have ever seen, almost appearing as though a hole had been cut in the sky. There were no discernible features of any kind and, as mentioned, and was so dark in contrast to the sky that it made my eyes physically feel strange, and immediately gave a sensation that “this does not belong here”. It stayed stationary for approximately five seconds and then shot directly upward and out of field of vision, at a rate of speed that it almost appeared to vanish as quickly as it appeared.

Posted 2023-09-10

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