NUFORC Sighting 177421

Occurred: 2023-08-05 22:15 Local
Reported: 2023-08-07 15:05 Pacific
Duration: Momentarily. Came/went
No of observers: 1

Location: Arlington, TX, USA
Location details: Standing on my back patio/balcony it was situated in the sky in the N.W per my iphone compass.

Shape: Other
Explanation: Starlink - Possible
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

String of 4-5 lights varying in size and color

I dont recall what time of day this occurred only that it was night time as the sun had already set. At the time, i had just stepped out on our back patio/balcony (2nd floor apartment) for a cigarette. I was gazing up at the stars to my right which would have been 30° or NE when something caught my attention out of my left periphery. As I turned my head to look the first thing i noticed was a flashing beacon of light which I could clearly see was an airplane in the far distance. But the second was a series of lights which looked highly unusual. It appeared to be a series of lights in a vertical string but each varied in size and color yet I got the feeling they were part of (1) object and not 5 or 6 separate objects. I work for American Airlines so i'm very familiar with all kinds of aircraft but commercial aircraft especially and this or they were no commercial aircraft. I can't be certain what i saw but I'm certain it was no airplane!

My initial thought was that someone had been popping fireworks primarily because of the way the object(s) appeared to be falling from the sky. It seemed to me and according to my compass the objects appeared to be falling in a SE manner towards earths surface. Yet, it/they left no streak in the sky, no exhaust plume, and no tell-tell firework smoke that's left behind once they're deployed. And there was no sound either. It was eerily silent outside too and the object(s) made zero noise.

There were approx. 5 to 6 lights which appeared to be in a vertical line yet each varying in size and color. All appeared to be round objects like a ball but i can't be sure as it happened so quickly. I can't be certain but i got the feeling that the lights were part of a single object and not multiple or separate objects. The first light in the series (closest to the ground) was a brilliant orangish color and all the subsequent lights were whitish in color but each varied in its intensity or hue from the one before it (all different shades of white). According to my compass i was facing West when i saw the object(s). According to my Iphone compass the objects were here: 32°43'59" N 97°3' 35" W (600ft elevation). Though it seemed to be moving SE from the sky toward the earth until it disappeared behind the tree line. Here are the coordinates of the direction it was headed: 32°34'59" N 97°3'35" W (600ft elevation).

I'd like to suggest enhancement to your platform. It would be great if you could implement a way for us to draw or illustrate what we've seen. Maybe add a section so we can use our trackpads or mice to draw what we've seen. As some of us have a better time of conveying a message through illustrations rather than our words. Thanks

There was no light trail like lights do when they wiz by either. NO tracers or light trails yet it was moving fast just like a firework does when it falls from the sky but again, this was no firework!

Posted 2023-09-10

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