NUFORC Sighting 177982

Occurred: 2023-09-01 05:24 Local
Reported: 2023-09-03 17:35 Pacific
Duration: 1-2 hours
No of observers: 1

Location: Isle of Palms, SC, USA
Location details: Off the coast of the beach

Shape: Changing
Characteristics: Lights on object, Aura or haze around object, Emitted other objects, Emitted beams, Changed Color, Electrical or magnetic effects, Missing Time, Marks found on body afterwards

energy/light emitting object that appeared to change form/shape as well as color; headache, tinnitus, muscle strain, appetite, joints.

Thank you for taking the time to read this report and for opening a process up for individuals to report phenomena. My background, 20-30, male, single, college educated, previous small business owner, 400K+ income, religious, strong family life and social life, passions for business, cyber security, technology, history, design, art, cars, watches, volunteering, dogs, mental health advocacy, freedom of information and equal rights. I am INTJ, highest IQ test 162 and a lover for problem solving, situational analysis and critical thinking.

I have had many encounters but to describe all would reveal too much personal info. Recently, I lost a sibling. Shortly after one night, I saw a UFO similar to the below that changed shape to the pendant of an Owl that my sibling wore frequently. In that moment my whole world froze, not out of fear but out of wonder as it became obvious that they have been watching for a long time.

I will admit since witnessing and interacting with the first visible UFO/ET, life has not been the same in the sense that reality takes a different turn and things both physical and spiritually lead to a much more centralized state of consciousness/awareness. I have had a near death experience that I believe was linked to my interaction with these beings, this was a car accident going over 85+ mph where the car was totaled and I crashed into a cement bridge railing with the windows down. The car had a malfunction and just lost control, no reasonable explanation from the computer. There was not a scratch on my body or any injuries, without sounding like a kook, I strongly believe some force saved me in that moment. Before I crashed and hit the wall it was like time stopped briefly and I could not move, it was a state of paralysis if you will but ended almost like a fast forward animation in a movie when things freeze and speed up. There was a loud humming noise in that moment and then total silence, and like a switch flipped I hit the wall. The airbags did not make contact with my body, I had no bruising or damage physically but muscular stiffness/twitching. For the record, I do not believe I am special or some genius, this is one of the realizations that troubles me the most about my past and encounters with these observers. Truly, I wonder why they appear to me and have chosen to interact for an extended period of my life. My best guess is trauma based and spiritual connection.

I have seen many of these objects over the last three years but this recent sighting has been more pronounced and longer. The object appeared directly off the coast and moved rapidly from the surface of the ocean into the sky. Object appeared to be yellow/white at first but changed colors rapidly to all colors of the spectrum while also changing composition to a solid object. I believe the original light emitting appearance to be some camouflage/cloaking technology as many of the sightings I have witnessed have exhibited the same properties. After hovering stationary for a short period it began to move back and forth rapidly in the sky. During these movements I was able to capture the objects true appearance when it would come to rest after a period of movement.

The object appeared to be a metallic ball at rest after movement but would also change to other shapes such as a cube before changing color and then reverting to the original form. The original form simply looked like a ball of gas that was emitting light or shooting particles from all direction. There was no noise or propulsion mechanism spotted; the object moved at speeds and intervals that are not possible with current technology. I have witnessed these objects take different shapes that almost appear to be the faces of common earth objects as well as animals; it seems like they are attempting to communicate with us similar to how we sent the SETI broadcast into space. Originally I believed I was seeing a lens flare up on the camera when I took video of the objects but they are indeed visible to the naked eye the same as they appear on video.

When I see these objects it is always a similar sensation that is to either go to the window or walk outside. Immediately upon doing so you are confronted with something that defies reality; I believe they have telepathic capabilities but I cannot find the words to describe how it occurs other than though cognitive thought communication. After this encounter, I have been unable to sleep and experience lack of appetite, “tinnitus” coupled with intense headaches and joint pain/cracking. I noticed freckles/dots on my left leg that look precisely placed. This same leg has since started to cause tremendous joint pain and stiffness in the foot/muscle tightness. This is the most notable object but the others I have seen before appear to be the so called “tic tac.”

I am including photos first from this event and will include others from Friday where I witnessed what I think is the same observer/group. DO NOT REPOST THIS MESSAGE WITHOUT CONTACTING ME PRIOR. You may reach out to me if you are interested in more footage and photos that I have captured as well as for more on my background and experiences tied to these events. I STRONGLY believe that I have information tied to the medical side regarding time loss that investigators would find useful in our understanding of these objects as well as info that will help others.

For anyone struggling that reads this, stay the course and keep the faith. Trust your intuition and most importantly meditate and find an outlet that helps you cope. Thank you again for your time and god bless.

Posted 2023-09-10

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