NUFORC Sighting 178590

Occurred: 2023-10-02 19:56 Local
Reported: 2023-10-02 22:48 Pacific
Duration: Up to three minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Santa Fe, NM, USA
Location details: Adjacent to Hansen Lumber Yard, Santa Fe.

Shape: Orb
Characteristics: Aircraft nearby

Was originally noticing a flying object which looked peculiar, but a bright, stationary orb in direct path began to move in opposite...

This evening, shortly before 8pm MDT(local) I stepped outside my backdoor to look at the evening sky. Looking to the north I noticed a flying object traveling from right to left(South Easterly to North Westerly.) The original object was unlike any typical aircraft in the sense that the flashing light signature was only white-ish in color, no red, no green signatures, but distinctly flashing. Because the object seemed to be very high in altitude, it appeared to be moving very quickly, at least faster than a commercial airliner. This is what originally caught my attention.

However, the trajectory of the object led me to notice a very bright "star" slightly to the left of my view. Unfortunately I did not continue to follow the blinking object as I noticed that the bright "Orb" was now in motion, and heading in the very opposite direction of the original blinking object. At this point I ran inside to grab my phone(Samsung A71) and immediately began to record. As I stepped back outside just seconds later, maybe between 5-10 seconds, I began to record the "Orb." This is when I noticed that the Orb was now heading due north, a 90 degree angle change of direction. It soon thereafter faded and disappeared.

In the next few minutes I noticed what appeared to be typical satellites, maybe 4 total. What was odd was that the first two satellites were on the exact same trajectory, as were the second two, in a different trajectory. Also, what was strange was that a cloud formed shortly thereafter.
There were no clouds in the general vicinity, and it felt like the cloud was formed as a result of my experience, but certainly that is speculation.
It had been raining off and on for the past couple days, but at the time it was very calm, although in the periphery there was lightning flashes, but the sky in my direct location was crystal clear, except for the cloud that formed just after my sighting.

I captured 27 seconds of video, but it was handheld from my phone, and I tried zooming in, but was too shaky by the time the "Orb" vanished.
The first six seconds of video are the best of what I have, and after reviewing the clip I could analyze the video and notice the vibrant hues that this orb was emitting. Also, if you scrutinize the video, you can notice the center of the Orb having a dark spot.

There were no sounds associated with any of these sightings.

Because of the stationary nature originally, of the Orb, and then the movement and a 90 degree of change in direction, this is why I felt compelled to file this report! What is most rewarding for me and quite inexplicable is that I was also, for the first time listening to your interview with Art Bell, from 2015! This is how I found your website, and being a big fan of Art Bell, I decided to give you the report.

The data reveals the clip was recorded at 7:56pm, October 2, 2023.

Thank you for your attention!

Posted 2023-10-28

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