NUFORC Sighting 180313

Occurred: 2024-02-06 17:58 Local
Reported: 2024-02-07 06:36 Pacific
Duration: 14mins
No of observers: 1

Location: Spokane, WA, USA
Location details: Sidewalk area, tall street lights, damp from rain

Shape: Flash
Color: White ish/ Yellow
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: S.E. direction
Angle of Elevation: 38
Closest Distance: 25,000-35,000ft
Estimated Speed: Varied
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object, Changed Colo

Another active night in the skies in the IPNW

At approx. 17:58hrs I stepped on to the sidewalk @ 39 W. Pacific and took up a static/standing position (again) and almost immediately (or the craft/object was already strobing) as I fixed my gaze to the S.E. (high altitude) I noticed a -flash!- "huh" and another - and another - (strobe?) -flash!- flash!-. Around 5 counts of this and I pulled out a black Bic lighter. And took up and followed the objects cadence of its next -flash!/click!- flash!/click!-flash!/click! striking the lighter to light with its -flashes!- 3x's total. And a total from this object of around 8 -flashes!- total, and it quit.

Gobsmacked again. The craft or object that was producing this was high altitude in elevation. The constellation Orion sat to the right (south) of this event area. As I remained standing/static scanning the pleasant early nighttime skies and whilst at the sidewalk at 39 W. Pacific at approx. 18:12hrs & facing in a mostly southernly position and 'a familiar' impulse and I whip my head directly to looking up and there's one single spark. Just Rolling Along (JRA) up there and in a southernly direction was its trajectory taking it. As I fixed my gaze to it I noticed the object actually slowed to a stop its trajectory. Twice. It would pick back up its trajectory and sail on. Still maintaining its trajectory south. As it sailed out, way out of almost perceivable distance (conditions were good, visibilty 10miles *at times or better, some scattered rain clouds) still radiating its illuminance, it faded once and then a second time, a familiar. A certain attribute of 'wiggle, -flit-flit', faded in and out to a very dark midnight blue colour with what appeared as a root beer brown or magnesium colour. Radiating? Small, very very slight in the nighttime sky and then it either blipped out or went invisible.


Like I stated: another active night in the IPNW… IPNW?

Inland Pacific North West

Posted 2024-02-15

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