NUFORC Sighting 180435

Occurred: 2024-02-14 22:15 Local
Reported: 2024-02-15 06:19 Pacific
Duration: about 25 minutes
No of observers: 2

Location: Boscawen, NH, USA
Location details: in the sky but behind some trees out towards the town forest

Shape: Light
Color: bright white
Estimated Size: one was large other two were small
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: north west. if looking into back yard: up & to the left, were big one and another & other was north
Angle of Elevation: 40
Closest Distance: football field away? hard to tell in sky but close
Estimated Speed: slow changing but would suddenly jump a few feet
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

bright light in sky changing shape but almost boomerang shaped & moving, 2 smaller lights showed up, then it all disappeared

We were laying in bed and its usually pitch black in out back yard but there was a crazy bright white light that looked crescent moon shaped almost behind the trees. It was a little past 10pm so there was no way the moon would be so low in the tree line, and it wasn't there earlier as we had been in bed for a while and would've seen it. I got my partners attention and we ended up going into the other room to see it at a different angle and we shined a spot light up in the direction of it but it only lit up the trees. the light got brighter and seemed to come closer to the point where my backyard was lit up slightly but it remained in the air behind the trees. it changed shape moved up and down but very subtly then drastically. there were two other much much smaller lights that popped up all the sudden. the first was high and to the left of it then a few mins later the other one showed up a lot farther to the right and lower. we watched them for about a half hour moving around then they all just slowly got dimmer/ smaller and disappeared. there no lights in my neighbors trees, and one of the lights would've been over my property which has no lights either. There wasn't anything on fire and the way they moved they weren't attached to a tree. there was no sound when we opened the windows, so not like a helicopter or plane. when they disappeared my back yard went back to being pitch black. The whole thing had a very eerie creepy feeling. my picture don't do it justice

Posted 2024-02-15

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