NUFORC Sighting 181203

Occurred: 1988-05-20 14:00 Local
Reported: 2024-04-19 12:25 Pacific
Duration: 10 -15 minutes
No of observers: 1 - Military

Location: Sonoita, AZ, USA
Location details: Sonotia, hiking down the road by the stream coming out of the forested area

Shape: Circle
Color: gray
Estimated Size: Very large 75 to 90 ft
Viewed From: Land
Angle of Elevation: 45
Closest Distance: about 80 to 100 feet above me
Estimated Speed: slow at first ...when they took off in seconds

I was active duty in the USAF, a jet engine mechanic and observed three circular crafts

I had been hiking by the stream that runs through Sonotia. I was on the trail for about 2 hours. I emerged from the forest and walked to my Jeep. I looked up...I heard no sound...but looked up. There were 3 large gray circular ships (none of the type I knew the military had) they were flying above my was odd that they made NO sound and they were very large. They looked to be spaced equal distances from one another.

I watched them until they turned to the right and took off at speed, they disappeared in seconds...again with NO sound.

A week or so later the backyard of my home entirely lit up at night, I looked out the window and saw 2 alien shapes, very tall (about 7 feet).

Posted 2024-04-27

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