NUFORC Sighting 181418

Occurred: 1990-02-23 18:30 Local - Approximate
Reported: 2024-05-07 04:28 Pacific
Duration: 15 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Malibu, CA, USA
Location details: on cliffside overlooking beach, watching stars at sunset and

Shape: Unknown
Color: lights in sky,
Estimated Size: unknown
Viewed From: Land
Direction from Viewer: unknown. over ocean, just west of point dume
Angle of Elevation: 60
Closest Distance: No way to judge.I thought they were stars initialy
Estimated Speed: unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Slow evening watching sunset, then as dusk transitions, I see three lights that I mistook for stars moving around each other.

Apprx. 3or 4th week of February 1990. I was enjoying slow evening watching sunset, as dusk takes over I'm now watching stars, as it gets darker I see that three things of what I thought were stars are actually subtly moving around and toward and away from each other. These are initially slower movements, which is why I mistook them for stars, but after the first 5 minutes they were getting hyperactive. The sky was quite bright initially but begins to darken and it's easier to see them. There were three of them and I could only see the them as lights in the sky. They were playing around in the sky with each other, like flying bugs or something or how playful young animals might run around each other. Many movements were quick and sudden turns, 90degree and even 180degree. I watched for total of about 15 minutes, 20 minutes at the outside number, but it was getting cold and they eventually started to fade from view.

Posted 2024-05-08

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