NUFORC Sighting 18894

Occurred: 2001-08-08 12:22 Local
Reported: 2001-08-08 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 28 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Spokane, WA, USA

Shape: Unknown
Characteristics: Lights on object

Unusual light outside my bedroom window.

I was going to bed and decided to raise my blinds and open the window for some fresh air. As I laid my head on my pillow, I noticed a light in the sky. I thought it was a bright star at first but as I kept looking I knew it wasn't a star. So, I thought it must be an airplane. I then saw a red and green flashing light. I thought it was surely an airplane but it was not moving. It just stayed in the spot it was in when I first noticed it. I continued to lay in bed and look at the light, why, I don't know. Suddenly it looked as if it were falling very fast and then stop instantly. It did not fall a very long time but it was fast and then an abrupt stop. I felt a little funny inside when I saw that and got out of bed to look out my window closer.(It was 12:22 a.m. at this point) As I strained to look out my screen, the light seemed to by spinning and I could see flashing or spinning red, green, and gold/yellow lights. I looked aroud the clear sky and compared what I was looking at to the other "stars" in the sky. They did not look similar. The stars were plain and not moving and this light I was watching had color and movement. I just continued to watch because I wanted to see it move again. It did move again and this time it was in an "S" movement up and then down again. Not too high or low just small movements within a certain area (I was looking between two tall trees and could see it the whole time)The movement is what kept me watching, it reminded me of playing video games and how fast and over exagerated we can move objects with the controllers. Then it began moving toward the trees very slowly and sometimes with a little dip or two. I watched it until it disappeared behind the trees. It was 12:50 a.m.

Posted 2001-08-12

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