NUFORC Sighting 18904

Occurred: 2001-07-29 23:30 Local
Reported: 2001-08-09 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 45 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Melbourne Beach, FL, USA

Shape: Light
Characteristics: Lights on object, Changed Colo

Unidentified Flying Objects off the coast of Melbourne Florida

On a clear Sunday night, while on vacation on Melbourne Beach, Florida, my husband, 9 year-old grandson and myself all observed the following from the balcony of our ocean side hotel room: toward the south, over the ocean, I saw what I thought was a very bright star or perhaps a planet. It was twinkling fast and white, disappeared for a second, and reappeared flashing red, green, and white. I called my husband and grandson to come out to the balcony to see this; my husband had a pair of binoculars (10x25)and used them to better see this thing. To the naked eye, there appeared to be three spheres, blinking red, green and white lights, seeming to go one in front of the other, then seperate to the left and right of each other, going up and down diagnonally. We stood there mesmerized watching this for about 45 minutes. Using binoculars, my husband was better able to the action: he observed these objects rotating each other, with two white lights in the front, and the red and green ones on either side of the shape. One appeared to be stationary, while the others circled it. One remained ,on what we think was the surface of the water for quite some time. When we mentioned this to one of the maids the next morning, she told us that, "There's always things there, don't forget that Patrick Air Force Base is not to far away." Patrick Air Force Base is about 8 miles north from our observation point.

Posted 2001-08-12

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