NUFORC Sighting 1910

Occurred: 1964-09-15 20:00 Local - Approximate
Reported: 1996-12-25 00:00 Pacific
Duration: sec. to min.

Location: Arcade, NY, USA

Shape: Disk

SUMMARY: Several sitings in the area of rt 98 and Bray road. One saucer-shaped, silent, dull-metallic appearing object travelled over downtown Arcade headed nw about treetop height.Seen by many. Nellie Daully(town operator) receieved many reports.

Late summer/early fall before dusk.Object as described passed over town headed in general direction of thr park (nw).The year was probably 1964 or 65-66.I was a toddler but distinctly recall the object passing overhead dissappearing beyond the treetops in the distance. My mother witnessed this, and my sister(3yrs older)-but sister doesn't recall.The area was a hotbed of activity in the 60's. My father a physician and formerly, an airforce pilot during Korean war recounts that many of the sitings corroborated ufos generally travelling northbound following rt98. Bray road is one of the highest elevations in the county and people living there and in the area of Lost Nations witnessed several objects. One physician Dr. Oestriche (now deceased) saw lights back in the field and found circular depressions when he investigated the next day. Krueggers, who still live there have mentioned seeing things also. It was so common and widespread knowledge, that people used to park up and do!wn Bray Rd. to ufo watch. The last I've heard is that there is a dome shaped building 1/2 way up Bray rd. which is under 24hr guard. Even the farmers next door to it don't know why it's there. I hope this old archival info may be useful. It is definitely truthful and deserving of scrutiny. One other point (of potential interest) is that Arcade is pretty rural-about one hour south of Buffalo; the only other interesting thing of note in the vicinity is the West Valley nuclear facility (about 15 miles south ). This was being built in the early 60's.


Date is approximate. PD

Posted 2001-10-12

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