NUFORC Sighting 2911

Occurred: 1997-11-15 04:00 Local
Reported: 1997-11-22 00:00 Pacific
Duration: 25 minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Lockport, NY, USA

Shape: Sphere

Low in the eastern sky over a farming area I spotted a ball of bright light, every once in a while it seemed a ring of color would move around the the lower part of the object but it was too bright to tell any color. It was not moving and seemed to be at the same distance the whole time. At one point it turned into a bright orange ball the same size as the bight ball of light. Then a few minutes later back to the bright ball of light. I watched for about 25 minutes altogether. Finally it turned back into the orange ball and quickly got smaller and smaller until it disappeared about 15 seconds later. Someone told me that the faster it goes from large to small is the rate of speed it is traveling at. I know for sure now that there is something out there.

Posted 2002-09-28

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