NUFORC Sighting 29237

Occurred: 2003-04-12 04:00 Local
Reported: 2003-06-16 19:01 Pacific
Duration: minutes
No of observers: 1

Location: Oak Park, CA, USA

Shape: Light

Sighting of white foggy illumination on ground

It was 4:00 in the morning and I looked outside my bathroom window which was open to see if it was raining. I noticed a glow on the ground near a fence. It was two and a half feet wide and about five feet long. It looked about three inches deep, it was a foggy white with blue crystal looking chips in it. I could see the formation of the ground but not the color of the dirt. I also noticed three other glowing areas about twelve by twelve inch squares spaced in a zig zag formation about three feet apart. They also had the same glowing effect. At first I thought it was the light from the moon or a street light in the front yard but as I looked at it, I realized the moon was covered by the clouds and the light couldn't reach the rear yard. The light was illuminating from the ground not on it. As I realized that this was an unusual sighting I spoke out loud to my self and said "What the f--- is that?" just after I spoke those words the illuminations disappeared in sequence. First the large rectangle than one by one the square illuminations followed. I thought it heard me. I was spooked. I awoke my children to look out the window and the illuminations had not returned. The next day I checked the area but everything looked undisturbed. Has anyone seen anything like this?

Posted 2003-06-18

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