NUFORC Sighting 29648

Occurred: 2003-07-09 22:12 Local
Reported: 2003-07-09 22:32 Pacific
Duration: 3 minutes
No of observers: 3

Location: Liberty Lake, WA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Triangle shaped lights, white w/orange rim, moving in unison across night sky

Sitting outside looking into the sky, came across moving lights. The lights took the shape of a triangle and moved from west to the east directly above me. No sound was heard. The lights were extremely high in the air. At first looked like a satellite until I notice the other two light forming the triangle. The light held the triangle shape and moved in unison. The lights were white with an orange outer rim in color. They did not blink, just moved silently across the sky. Too high for airplanes, moved a little slower than a fast moving satellite. I was able to follow it from directly above me, across the sky, until it disappeared in the horizon.

Posted 2003-07-16

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