NUFORC Sighting 31113

Occurred: 2003-08-21 16:30 Local
Reported: 2003-09-01 18:36 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 1

Location: Ottawa (Canada), ON, Canada

Shape: Flash
Characteristics: Aura or haze around object

Object photographed with digital camera but not seen by the naked eye.

On the above date I went up on the roof of the apartment building we manage, it's a ten story building, to take some sample shots with a small digital camera we purchased from Radio Shack. The idea was to take a series of shots of the Ottawa skyline panning right to left, from East to North East, snapping the pictures in quick succession less than a second apart. The sun was behind me in the West and high in the sky creating perfect lighting conditions for photography. It should be noted here that I saw absolutely no craft, bird, balloon, kite or anything that could explain what showed up on one of the pictures.

When I got back downstairs to our apartment I downloaded the pictures to our computer and proceeded to go over them one by one. When I got to picture 31 there was a small blur in the center of the picture which appeared to be moving from south to north in the same direction as the pictures I was taking. I checked all of the other pictures in case it was a hair on the lens or some other such anomally and found nothing, all the pictures were crystal clear. This "object" appeared to be about two kilometers from my position and at an altitude of about one hundred and fifty feet, our building is about one hundred and ten feet high and it appeared to be slightly higher than my line of sight. What interests me is the fact that I didn't see it with my own eyes, secondly, that the pictures taken right before and immediately after, less than a second apart, on the same plane do not have the same image on them. I can only surmise that if this was indeed a UFO it had to be going so incredibly fast that the human eye would not be able to capture or register mentally the image but that the camera did. Given that it is not an expensive digital camera the resolving power is much less than that of a more expensive camera with more pixels. I have toyed with the picture with a "picture publisher program" but my best efforts couldn't resolve more than some sort of a flat, blurred, dark object.

In conclusion, it sure looks real but who's to say for sure.

Posted 2003-09-04

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