NUFORC Sighting 31375

Occurred: 2003-09-10 20:00 Local
Reported: 2003-09-10 21:14 Pacific
Duration: seconds
No of observers: 5

Location: Glenfield, NY, USA

Shape: Circle

A bright light almost a peach color, faded completely then reappeared again after several minutes

We were all sitting on the deck of a friends home in upstate NY, when we noticed over the trees at about possibly thousands of feet in the air that there was a very bright glowing object. We knew it wasn't Mars because the Moon and Mars was on the opposite side. We continued to watch for about 30 or so seconds when it just totally faded out. We wasn't sure what it was so we waited to see if it reappeared which it did several times in different spots and faded out. The last time we saw it there were 2 objects but away from each other, when all of a sudden the one joined the other them apart again and one faded then the other.

Could this have been flares or something else? Thanks for your answer PS We live near Ft. Drum in Watertown.

Posted 2003-09-12

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