NUFORC Sighting 32021

Occurred: 1998-11-12 21:00 Local
Reported: 2003-10-03 12:45 Pacific
Duration: 15 sec
No of observers: 4

Location: Towanda, PA, USA

Shape: Triangle
Characteristics: Lights on object

Large silent flying triangle craft heads over town.

Myself and 3 others were sitting outside our place of employment, on break. It was a chilly nov night, with a starry sky. As we were talking I happened to look up, as this large, silent black triangle shaped craft floated over the building next to us, and passed right over us. As it went by It made no noise, and was probably 100 feet up, it was huge, and black against the starry night sky. It has a small white light at each corner of the triangle, and in the middle of the bottom it had a light that glowed blood-red in color. Around the outide of the red light were 3 little white lights that rotated around it, staying the same distance apart as they rotated. I would guess when the craft floated overhead and away from us, it might of been going 30 mph or so, not very fast. What amazed me the most, was that this thing was huge and awesome, and was heading right over the main part of a town of 10,000 people. And unless you were looking up, you wouldnt even know it was passing over ! Three other people saw the craft also as it passed over us. One was a Nurse RN, the other a unit clerk, and my friend and I were janitors, we all worked at the same place.

Posted 2003-10-07

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