NUFORC Sighting 35485

Occurred: 2002-06-13 21:15 Local
Reported: 2004-03-09 23:30 Pacific
Duration: approximately 2 to 3 minu
No of observers: 3

Location: Hayward, CA, USA

Shape: Unknown

Object video tapes, darted in and out of the clouds.

Date: June 13, 2002 Time: 9:15 p.m. Email report: HBCC UFO Research followed up by placing a phone call to the witness. Video footage taken of the event.

Witnesses Email Report below...

On June 13, 2002 I video-taped a round dark object in the sky, my kids had noticed as we sat in our hot tub just after 9:00 p.m. The object sat motionless until I started filming. Then it darted in and out of clouds, also back and forth as I tried to follow it. This was a very scary experience for my kids. I live in Hayward, Ca. and noticed on your website another sighting in the area. I've never witnessed anything of this shape or speed in my life. I just want to get a professional opinion from someone else. Any ideas? Telephone follow up below: I had a pleasant conversation with the witness on the telephone. He described in detail what he and two other family members has witnessed on June 13, 2002. The man said it was something he had never saw before and was stunned at what they were observing. The fellow explained that on the night of the sighting he and the family were spending an evening in the hot tub and his daughter was playing a game , who could spot the most airplanes flying over head. The gentleman said that it is an active area due to two airports which are fairly close by. The Oakland and the Hayward airports.

It was the daughter who first spotted the object and said "there is a plane". The man's son looked and said he didn't believe it was a plane. The son asked his father to look at the object in the night sky. When he looked up to see what the kids were looking at he saw a black spot which was just sitting stationary in the sky just below the cloud cover. They all could see the clouds moving but the dark object stayed in the same spot, not moving. They all wondered what could this be as it certainly looked unusual and it sat in the one position for approximately one minute and again it was not moving. Some quick thinking on the Dad's part ... had him running into their home and grabbing a video camera which was sitting on the kitchen table. He ran back outside with it. He had borrowed it from a close friend a couple of days prior to this sighting to take some footage of everyday things. Also not being really familiar with the camera he was trying his best to catch what he could of the object.

As he lined the camera up on the object, it started to move very quickly. It would duck into the cloud cover then pop back out. It continued doing this a couple of times but always remaining in the original area, not moving any distance from where they first noticed it. It was night and I wondered how they were able to see a dark object against a blackened sky. The witness said, even though it was dark out you were able to see a whiteness of the clouds and the dark object which sat below them. So it was the lightened backdrop which enabled the family to see the darkened craft.

At one point the object moved into a darker cloud and as everyone watched it .... the cloud started swirling around and seemed to pull more of the surrounding cloud into the swirling motion. As it was doing this the cloud was growing darker. Again the object poked out from the cloud just slightly and moved back in again and this is when they all witnessed a strobing light coming from inside the cloud cover with the cloud starting to move closer in the direction of the family until it stopped and pretty much straight away moved back to it's original place. The total length of this sighting was approximately 2 to 3 minutes. The fellow said all the time they spent outside that evening they had not seen any other aircraft in the area.

The man called the Hayward airport to make an enquiry about what they saw. The folks at the airport told him there were no flights going out that night. The witness felt that was rather unusual in itself. He thought maybe because the weather conditions were not that good and socked in very badly, that this may be the reason why no flights left that evening.

A still picture was made and blown up from the footage at one of the local universities. The Astronomy Department of the University and others checked the photograph out and saw that there was an object in the photo but no one could figure out what it was. So again the witness was left with no answers to this puzzling sighting.

The fellow told me after the sighting was over, they all went into the house as it certainly was a bit frightening to see such a strange sight. He told me he just paced around the home and wasn't at all sure what he was going to tell everyone about what they had seen and videotaped that night.

Many thanks to this family for the wonderful report.

Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research Home - Phone 1 250 845 2189 email: Website:


We express our gratitude to Brian Vike for submitting this report. PD

Posted 2004-03-17

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